This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for some common Apache HTTP Server (Apache2) commands and concepts. Apache is a popular open-source web server used to serve websites and web applications.
To use Apache2, you need to install it on your server. Installation methods vary depending on your operating system. Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions.
Apache2 Concepts
Virtual Hosts
Virtual Hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single server.
Create a new virtual host configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/my-site.conf
Enable a virtual host:
sudo a2ensite my-site
Disable a virtual host:
sudo a2dissite my-site
Apache2 uses modules to extend its functionality. Common modules include mod_ssl
for SSL/TLS support and mod_rewrite
for URL rewriting.
Enable a module:
sudo a2enmod module_name
Disable a module:
sudo a2dismod module_name
Configuration Files
Apache2 configuration files are typically located in the /etc/apache2
Edit the main configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Edit the global configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/my-config.conf
Apache2 logs important information about server activity.
Access log location:
Error log location:
Restart and Reload
After making configuration changes, you can restart or reload Apache2 to apply the changes.
Restart Apache2:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Reload Apache2 (gracefully):
sudo systemctl reload apache2
Apache2 Command-Line
Check the Apache2 version:
apache2 -v
Test the Apache2 configuration:
sudo apache2ctl configtest
Start Apache2:
sudo systemctl start apache2
Stop Apache2:
sudo systemctl stop apache2
Check the status of Apache2:
sudo systemctl status apache2
Open a port in the firewall (e.g., port 80 for HTTP):
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
This cheat sheet covers some common Apache HTTP Server (Apache2) commands and concepts. Apache2 is a versatile web server used for hosting websites and applications; refer to the official Apache documentation for more in-depth information and advanced usage.